I'm gonna bascially re-design this site. xD 
I just started middle school... ;3
Yay! On August 28th, I will be meeting Moshi Monsters furi in Livingston NJ. Can't wait! Yay! It will be at 12:00 P.M. :D

Cat Fact Of The Day: Cats can't taste sweets. Awww! That means they wouldn't be able to taste this yummy cake. 3: xD

Yummy! DJ Quack should really be a Foodie Moshling! xD

I just had a sleepover with my friend Chloe (known as snowystorm101 on Moshi Monsters). :3

Cat Fact Of The Day: Thousand of years ago ancient Greeks and Egyptians worshiped cats as gods.
I will be posting the cat fact of the day. xD Here is today's!: Himalyan cats were named after the Himalyan Mountains, because animals there have similar coat patterns. =^.^=

Here is a cute kitty pic! If you want it, then go to weebly photos, and search kitty under free photos. =^.^=

I helped my grandma make a site, too. xD Wanna see it? Here iz ze link: memasite.weeby.com

I found this pic, from Weebly. If yew want it, go to picture, and type- smiley face into ze search bar. Enjoy! :-)
Just finished ze poster. It iz in Artwork section. ;3 Oh, and I entered a dance contest called Make Your Mark. Hope I win! ;D 
I go to Cottage Lane Half-Day Camp, and tommorow there is a field trip to the water/amusement park Lake Compounce. I can't wait! :D

    Site-Owner/Blogger (Me!)

    My name is Alexandra. I designed this site. You can call me Alex. :-)


    January 2013
    September 2012
    August 2012
    July 2012



    Free Hello Kitty Cursors at www.totallyfreecursors.com